The Impact of Different Ethnicities in the Realization of Political Federalism in Iraq, from Post Saddam to 2018
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Published: 5 August 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
The geopolitical features of Iraq make it divided into northern, central, and southern regions, each of which has its own origins. In the northern and Kurdish regions, their main concern is the establishment of federalism and the annexation of Kirkuk (the disputed area between the Kurds, Sunni Arabs and Turkmen, which accounts for 40% of Iraq's oil). Such a claim, of course, has created a gulf between the Kurds and the Arabs (Shiite-Sunni), and at this point, the Kurds are facing the Arabs. In the southern regions, most of them Shiites (60% of Iraq's oil), they are in some way influenced by the Shiites of the neighboring countries (especially the Islamic Republic of Iran); this opposes Sunni Arabs and the Kurds against the Shiites, which put the Iraqi government in has been handed. But in the central region where mainly Sunni Arabs live there, reasons like very bad weather and the lack of suitable soil for agriculture and the lack of oil will make it whenever you whisper Kurdish federalism (the Kurdistan climate and the annexation of Kirkuk) and Shi'a federalism (Basra area) And the Shiite area of the south), Sunni Arabs appear to face the Kurds and Shiites. In the administrative system of Iraq, the undesirable managerial quality of the ruler makes each director, rather than seeking the efficiency of the administrative system, pay more attention to his ethnic and tribal interest, and this harasses other groups and tribes. Another obstacle to the achievement of national unity is the paradox in creating a national government, which itself will be a barrier to security and democracy, which will affect the patterns of governance in the region and add to the paradox. This article presents an analytical overview of the Iraqi society and how their ethnic relations and their internal rivalries for political power and the appropriation of Iraqi government positions after the collapse of Saddam Hussein and the formation of new political institutions and the recognition of all ethnicities and religions in the law will be essential.
Keywords: Iraq, federalism, political groups, government patterns.

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How to Cite
Abdolreza Alishahi, Zahra Hossein Pour, Hamid Soleimani Souchelmaei. (2019-08-05). "The Impact of Different Ethnicities in the Realization of Political Federalism in Iraq, from Post Saddam to 2018." *Volume 1*, 3, 23-36